Supporting the training of gospel workers world-wide
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Newsletter 2024 October
Dear friends of CGM, CGM continues to receive many enquiries from churches and organisations around...
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Our World Wide Partners
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"I am very committed to training people and to making sure people have the right training for effective gospel ministry in whatever context they will be working."
Bishop Malcolm Richards
The Anglican Church in the Republic of Seychelles is part of the Anglican Church of the Indian Ocean. Their ministries include training pastors and lay people in the Seychelles. The Centre for Global Mission has provided the Anglican Church with theological training material and they are using these resources to assist with their training programmes. They are currently using the Moore College PTC material in English and French. ...
Asia Partner
The James O Fraser Centre (JOFC) in Chiang Dao, Thailand is a Discipleship Training Centre which is focused on whole of life discipleship. Their aim is to teach God’s word and disciple men and women, equipping them to reach different people groups with the gospel. The Centre for Global Mission has partnered with JOFC providing them with theological resources and online tools to assist with their teaching programmes. We are...
Indian Ocean Partner
The Anglican Church of Madagascar is in the Province of the Indian Ocean. The first Anglican missionary arrived in Madagascar in 1864. In 1874 the diocese of Madagascar was founded. There are now six Anglican dioceses in Madagascar. The Anglican Diocese of Toliara was established in 2013. Their training and teaching programmes are managed through St Patrick’s Theological College under the supervision of the Anglican Church of the Indian Ocean....